Councilman Carl Ferebee made it clear this evening he is not giving up on repairs for the Chaloner pool.
He presented a new motion to the panel asking to fund only repairs to the pool and delaying fixing the pool house.
Despite his new motion failing by a 3-2 vote, Ferebee said during a break in the meeting, “I’m not going to stop. I want to let people know it’s there.”
He said he is confident the numbers he presented at a meeting earlier this month are correct and funding the repairs through installment financing can be done without detriment to the city’s fund balance. “It’s sad they can’t all see that.”
Councilman Wayne Smith, who has been vocal in his opposition to pool repairs, expressed he could be swayed after the panel goes through budget deliberations. “I could be swayed if the numbers show it’s feasible,” he said during the break.
Smith says he is also aware what the early budget forecast for the upcoming fiscal year is. “I know what the city manager said. Either we cut services or fix the pool.”
City Manager Joseph Scherer said in his report to council, “We are working on both this fiscal year’s finances and the budget for the next fiscal year. Given our current economic development climate and limited revenue streams, it is important for the administration to ensure our expenses are kept to an affordable level.”
Scherer said he has directed staff for the remainder of the fiscal year to make purchases either needed to maintain daily operations or those which have grant funding provided for the purchase. “I’m also looking at a hiring freeze for the rest of the fiscal year unless the hiring would help to reduce overtime expenses.”
Scherer said the upcoming fiscal year budget will be drafted based on projected revenue without asking for additional money from undesignated fund balance.
Only Councilwoman Carol Cowen sided with Ferebee in his new motion. Suetta Scarbrough and Ernest Bobbitt joined Smith in voting against the motion.
Scarbrough said during the break it came down to money. “I’m not against the pool,” she said, explaining if funds should be available she would change her vote.
Funding only the pool repairs would run about $225,000 instead of the $300,000 estimate which includes the pool house.
Several community members again spoke out on the matter, including Caleb Harrison, a child from the area. “I really enjoy swimming,” he said. “I didn’t swim last summer. I’m asking you to open the Chaloner pool. I’m looking forward to being cool.”
Columbus Jeffers told council the matter came down to 40 years of neglect. “If you don’t grease the wheel after 40 years it’s going to break … I hope I can back here next month and give you a big thank you for keeping the pool open.”
Vernon Bryant, chair of the Halifax County Board of Commissioners, said he supported Ferebee and the Chaloner Recreation Center. “I’m respectfully asking you to vote in favor of this.”
Mayor Emery Doughtie said while he supports Ferebee, he also “knows the finances are not where they need to be.”
Said the mayor: “Mr. Ferebee has always been a team player. This topic, I know you’re talking about more than a pool. I feel like he exemplifies what a leader should be.”