The Roanoke Valley Girls Softball League (RVGSL) has evaluations it's 2017 youth girls softball season this Saturday March 11th.
The Girls softball league is open to girls age 4 year old to 18 year old as of January 1, 2017. Ages 4-12 will have a cutoff registration date od March 11th and the 13-18 year olds will have a cutoff registration date of May 1st.
Registration fees for t-ball and Under 8 are free, just pay the City Recreation fee.
Under 10 and Under 12 are $25 plus City Recreation fee.
All players will play within their age groups with the exception that a 6 year old may elect to play either T-Ball or in the 8U Pitching Machine division.
Evaluations for 6-12 year olds are scheduled for March 11th with rain out date of March 18th at Newsome fields at Chockeyotte Park. 6-8 year olds @ 9AM, 9-10 year olds @ 11AM and 11-12 years old @ 1PM.
Registration forms can be download below or picked up at Roanoke Rapids Parks and Recreation TJ Davis Recreation Center.
For more information contact League President Anthony Beam at 252-673-1211.