Weldon police chief and Town Administrator Mark Macon tendered his resignation from both positions Monday.
Macon said his resignation is effective May 1 and he has no immediate plans for a future career path.
“I haven’t decided if I’m going to keep my (law enforcement) certification. More than likely I probably will not be going to work for any other agency or municipality.”
Macon has been town administrator since 2015 and this September would have marked his 11th anniversary as police chief.
He said his decision to leave town government was not based on the expected hardship the closing of Roanoke Valley Power Facility will create for the town. “I have resigned for personal reasons. It has nothing to do with the town of Weldon or those associated with the town of Weldon.”
Macon did say, “It’ll be difficult to wake up on May 1 and not see the people I thoroughly enjoyed working with. I’m sure I’ll have some withdrawals but I’m sure my wife will keep me busy around the house. I’m going to spend more time with my family, concentrate on my wellness and concentrate on myself for a while.”
Macon said he hopes he is leaving the police department with core values which have been developed through his work and the work of the officers in the department. “We’ve got a full staff, great employees and good policies that will help the organization head to greatness.”
He says he would support Deputy Chief James Avens as chief of the department. “James is more than capable of being chief. He will have my full support.”
In his two years as town administrator, Macon said he was able to hire good employees and maintain retention of them. “In my first year we were able to implement a new personnel policy along with new pay schedules and grades and some internal overhauls. We completed two budgets that the town was able with good oversight and supervision to manage their budget. They didn’t go over it the last two years.”
Macon said he is appreciative of the support he has received during his tenure in the town. “I appreciate the elected officials and their support and just believing in me. Being police chief and transitioning into a dual role, I had a great supporting cast. I’m appreciative of the opportunities I had to develop and grow.”
As far as jumping into a another municipal government position, Macon said, “I just want to take time and enjoy my family and be more active in my church and be more successful.”