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Probation for Glenn Anthony Ryland, charged in a Hollister fatal crash last month, was extended two years.
The decision came today in Halifax County District Court and was based upon a recommendation by Hala Burch, his state Department of Public Safety probation officer.
District Court Judge W. Turner Stephenson allowed the extension and Ryland’s attorney, Sammy Webb, offered no objections.
Assistant District Attorney Kanter S. Morris told Stephenson the state has filed a motion for Ryland’s medical records from both Nash and Vidant medical centers “to determine the source of impairment if any.”
She recommended his next court date be set for November 1, telling Stephenson by that time the medical records requested to determine blood alcohol content at the time of the September 2 crash should be returned.
Webb had no comment after the proceedings, other than to say he has not seen the evidence in the case yet.
The crash claimed the life of Briana Bugg, a 17-year-old South Hill, Virginia, resident.
Bugg died the following day from injuries sustained in the crash.
Ryland’s past record prompted the state Highway Patrol to lodge a second-degree murder charge against the 45-year-old Hollister man.
Trooper Scott Richardson also charged him with DWI, driving left of center and driving while license revoked.
The trooper listed speed and impairment as contributing factors. Richardson estimated Ryland was traveling 65 in a 55 mile per hour zone when the wreck occurred as he was coming out of a slight curve on Highway 43.
Bugg was traveling with her parents and sister to an ECU football game at the time of the crash.
While there was some thought Ryland’s probation on a previous DWI charge could be revoked, changes in how probation cases are handled now restrict the ways the probation can be nullified.
Probation sentences can only be revoked if a defendant has absconded supervision, receives a new conviction or has served two prior confinement in response to violation sentences, according to the University of North Carolina School of Law.
All other violations are technical and can’t be automatically revoked.
The changes approved by the state General Assembly in 2011 come into play in Ryland’s case.
Ryland, according to state Department of Public Safety records, has had two DWI convictions in Halifax County, one on June 2 in which he was sentenced to 24 months probation and one on May 27 of last year in which he was sentenced to 18 months probation. The conviction this year stems from an offense in February of last year while the 2016 conviction stems from an offense in January of 2015.
He also has pending charges in Warren County where he is scheduled to appear in court on November 15 for DWI; possession of open container; civil revocation; driving while license revoked impaired driving; fail to maintain to lane control and hit and run/fail to stop for property damage.
In September of 2013 he had a DWI charge dismissed for lack of evidence in Northampton County.
In 1990 in Northampton County he had a conviction of DWI which ended with a 30-day sentence and 12-months probation.