A Roanoke Rapids man originally charged with assault on a female in March now faces charges lodged this week which not only reflect more serious charges for the alleged assault on his then girlfriend, but assault on her unborn child.
The new charges against Brandon Gene Woodward, 24, were filed after further investigation into the March 3 assault, Chief Deputy Scott Hall of the Halifax County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.
Additional investigation into the matter was led by Detective R.B. Biggerstaff after Deputy S.A. Bryant filed the initial charge.
Hall would not elaborate on the nature of the dispute between Woodward and the victim. He did confirm the couple were in a dating relationship, although the child was not his.
Hall said investigation showed there was evidence which “suggested that the alleged defendant reportedly assaulted the victim in a manner that could cause injury to the mother and the unborn child.”
There were no apparent injuries to the child from the assault, Hall said.
Hall said the victim is doing well following the assault in which she sustained injuries requiring medical attention. Biggerstaff said the child was born healthy.
Biggerstaff obtained warrants on Woodward for assault by strangulation, kidnapping and battery of an unborn child.
He was arrested Wednesday and jailed without opportunity for bond.
He has a September 28 court date.