The Halifax County Board of Elections will hold a meeting Monday at noon in Halifax.
The meeting will be held in the old commissioners building, which is the red brick building beside the Historic Courthouse on King Street.
Board of elections Deputy Director Spinosa Clements said the main purpose of the meeting will be to swear in new members.
She said, however, “there is the strong possibility” the issue of the lack of a one-stop voting precinct for Roanoke Rapids ahead of the May 8 Democratic Primary will be discussed.
In the notice sent out this afternoon the document says, “This will be the board’s organizational meeting as well as discussion of election related matters for the upcoming May Primary.”
Late Tuesday, the state board approved the nominations of Clarence Pender, Annie McCollum, David Hines and William Croisetiere to the county board. Pender, of Scotland Neck, and McCollum, of Roanoke Roanoke Rapids, are the democratic party representatives to the board. Hines, of Littleton, and Croisetiere, of the Lake Gaston-Littleton area, are the Republican party representatives to the board. Pender has served previously on the board.
The city is currently without a one-stop site following oversight which made the Neighborhood Resource Center on Jackson Street unavailable.