The Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District reported a wastewater spill which occurred Monday between 10:40 a.m. and 11:40 a.m.
The spill was an estimated 2,400 gallons from two separate manholes located at Highway 48 and Bell’s Creek in the Roanoke Rapids area. The untreated wastewater spilled into the waters of the state tributary in the Roanoke River Basin.
The RRSD said in a notice on the matter the spill was due to a pipeline blockage of fats, oils, grease and rags backing up the pipes.
Preparation is being made for all known repairs to reduce the source of backup and return the pipe system to service and minimize further discharge.
Pamphlets describing the proper handling of fats, oils and grease will be handed out to area residents on the matter.
The state Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources was notified of the event Monday and is reviewing the matter.