Incumbent J. Rives Manning Jr. is running to retain his seat on the Halifax County Board of Commissioners.
rrspin.com submitted the following questions for all the candidates:
900 Monroe St.
Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870
Independent Insurance Agent
Son - Arlie R. Manning, his wife - Erica, their Daughter “Charlie”
Son - John (Deceased)
Roanoke Rapids Graded School District schools
Grades 1-5 at Central School (later named Akers),
Grade 6 at Sixth Grade Building
Grades 7-8 at Junior High Building
Grades 9-12 at Roanoke Rapids Senior High School. Graduated from Roanoke Rapids High School in 1958.
I attended North Carolina State College from 1958-1962.
Graduated with a BS is Animal Science in 1962
I entered the U S Army in February 1962, after Basic and Advanced Training I served the balance of my time at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.
Civic, church or other community organizations of which you are involved
I am a member of the Rosemary United Methodist Church and attend there and am a member of the Men’s Group there. I also attend services at New Testament Christian Church.
I am a member of the Halifax County Historical Association; the Halifax County Genealogical Association; the Historic Halifax Restoration Association; help with the Harvest Days each year; the Sons of American Revolution; the American Legion, Post 98; serve on the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council and on the Halifax County DSS Board.
I am a member of the Independent Insurance Agents of North Carolina and the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers Association.
Why are running; why do you believe you are qualified to run; what difference can you make or in the case of an incumbent candidate, what difference have you made?
I am running again because I believe that I have helped “Make a Difference” and I did not see any new candidate coming forward that was bringing Fiscal Responsibility to continue the progress we have made.
It has been a Team effort, County Commissioners, County Management Staff and all Halifax County Employees, WORKING TOGETHER, to make these accomplishments. I am proud to say that I I have been a part of the Halifax County TEAM.
Would you support renovations for Weldon High School or do you support construction of a new school? Please explain your reasons on why or why not?
The Weldon High School needs a lot of work to bring it to where it needs to be. BUT, with the number of students attending it and the potential numbers in the Weldon School District that would be attending it, there is no way to justify building a NEW Weldon High School. So, IF we are to be Fiscally Responsible, Repairing and Renovating the High School building is the Only Way to go.
Over the past year or so, commissioners and funding of the education, particularly in the county school system,have come under fire. Do you believe schools are being adequately funded? Why are or why not? What do we have to do to create top-tier school systems in Halifax County?
Counties are responsible for funding for Capital Expenditures, Buildings and land. The State is responsible for funding of Teachers, educational material, etc.
The Halifax County Budget provides the same amount PER STUDENT, based upon their Average Daily membership (ADM), for their students, to each of the school districts. This does not include the Supplemental School Tax each District receives, but those Taxpayer $$$ dollars are not counted as County money, but it also comes from the Taxpayers.
What is the role of county commissioners in recruiting economic development? What needs to be done to strike a balance between industrial, commercial and retail development in Halifax County?
The role of the Halifax County Commissioners is to appoint members to the Economic Development Commission and to provide an EDC Director and a Budget for the Economic Development Commission.
The Halifax County Commissioners approve a set of Guidelines for the Economic Development Commission, including the type of incentives that can be offered.
The EDC Director and EDC Commission are to Recruit viable businesses, that pay above county average wages, that will be good corporate neighbors for Halifax County.
The EDC “vets” the potential businesses through the State and other similar type groups.
The EDC Director and EDC Commission attempt to locate Grants and other sources of funds to help the “potential clients” in order to put together a “Package” for them.
The Halifax County Commissioners have the final say on the “package” to be offered.
Do you have any personal financial issues which might make the public perceive you would not be a good steward of the county’s money — foreclosures, liens, bankruptcy filings, things of that nature? If so how do you convince the public they can trust you with taxpayer money?
I do not have any personal issues which would make the public perceive that I would not be a good steward of Halifax County’s money. I think my record shows that I have been a leader of Conservative Government in Halifax County.
The Halifax County Commissioners have a Conflict of Interest statement that we respond to at each meeting.
The Economic Development Commission also has a Conflict of Interest statement that we respond to at each meeting.
Also there is an old saying “Perception is Reality.” I do believe in that saying very much.
When I respond to the Conflict of Interest statement, if I have none, I always say, “I have no Conflict or Perceived Conflict.” If I think I have a perceived or actual conflict, I state “I have a Conflict or Perceived Conflict” and explain it to the Board or Commission. They then decide if I should vote or not.
It appears there is a new push to put school merger back on the table for discussion. What are your thoughts on school merger either pro or con? Please elaborate on your beliefs on the matter.
The North Carolina Legislature established the Weldon City School District in 1903. Its boundaries were established by the legislation. It was enlarged by a Vote of the People in the EXISTING District and IN THE PROPOSED ADDITIONAL AREA in 1955. This School District is led by a Board of Trustees, elected by the voters of the Weldon City School District.
The North Carolina Legislature established the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District in 1907. The boundaries of the RRGSD were established by the legislation. The area of this district has not been changed since it was created.
It was not until about 1913 that the State required all counties to provide public education to all students in their counties. The Halifax County School District has an elected School Board.
I very much support Halifax County having the Three School Districts, with Elected Boards of Trustees to oversee their operations. The Elected School Boards have the responsibility of providing the Education of their students.
I very much oppose any action of the Halifax County Commissioners to merge the School Districts in Halifax County, without a Vote IN FAVOR of the merger, BY the voters in EACH District.
What are some other issues you believe need to be addressed in Halifax County and how would you go about addressing them?
I know there are many other issues that could be brought up, but we will discuss them later.