On behalf of the Halifax County Black Caucus (HCBC) executive board and membership, I want to express our appreciation for the support and participation in the local 2018 Primary Election by voters.
We were totally engaged to run a fair and vigorous campaign, and to educate and inform voters in campaign materials and political forums about how local and state government is designed, but fails, to work.
NAACP president David Harvey and his auspicious “Report Card” was/is a vital teaching tool.
We are disappointed in the election (and sometimes questionable) results.
Our feedback from voters of all racial groups is so far, “Damn, ain’t nothing changed … we got the same crooks back in power again …”
Even though invited, not one incumbent opposition candidate was willing to debate the issues and their voting records.
Instead they continue to deal in denials, outright misinformation, and racist trickery, using the evil “m” word (merger).
Regarding the attack hurled at Rev. O.D. Sykes by an opposition candidate: By reputation and activism, Sykes is an upcoming premier young leader in the state.
He is a dedicated and honorable husband and father, unlike one of the opposition candidates who reportedly paid child support for 18 years but continues to deny the existence of this local beautiful and accomplished young wife and mother and his college-bound granddaughter.
To our African-American voters: How you can continue to hold yourselves to a slave status and sell out the poor-middle class in the district to support an incumbent for a one-time stipend of $100 who is a registered Democrat but votes consistently with Republicans.
How do the opposition candidates sleep when they force such brutal and unfair policies on an uneducated and unsuspecting public?
Certainly they worked harder than they probably ever have.
Remember, HCBC is not going away.
Gary R. Grant, Coordinator