A major fund-raising effort to repair and save historic structures on the grounds of the Tillery Community Center kick-off November 12 with the unveiling of a mural by local artist Napoleon Hill.
The unveiling ceremony will be at 2 p.m. at the center located at 321 Community Center Road in Tillery.
Starting at 11 a.m. the documentary We Shall Not Be Moved: The Story of the Tillery Resettlement Community will be shown with a discussion afterward.
The structures on the grounds of the center were built back in the 1930s and have lasted with minimum repair over the years.
The mural will celebrate and honor the historic Tillery Farms created during the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt which made it possible for African-American and white sharecroppers to become home and land owners.
Following the documentary, for a contribution of $10 one can have a Southern meal including fried and baked chicken, collard greens, black-eyed peas, potato salad, rice, okra combo, candied yams and other items.
The unveiling program of the mural will begin at 2 p.m. at the Remembering Tillery History House on the grounds of the center.
Keynote presenters include Spencer Wood of Kansas State University; Katherine Charron of North Carolina State University; and Michael Stewart Jr.,a PhD candidate at Howard University, along with other public figures.
There will be a special presentation and tribute to the women of the Tillery Resettlement by second generation re-settler Evangeline Grant Briley.
The event is open to the public and there is no charge for admission.
The Halifax County Arts Council has been supportive of the mural project and the event, the CCT said, and expresses its great appreciation.
For more information visit www.cct78.org or contact the CCT office at tillery@aol.com or phone 252-826-3017.