Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls Troops NC-0100 are beginning their annual toy drive to put in Shoebox Gifts through the Operation Christmas Child project of Samaritan’s Purse.
New toys are needed to help fill the shoeboxes.
Other items needed include school supplies, non-liquid toiletries such as soap and toothbrushes, washcloths and similar items.
The main items are toys boys and girls ages 2 through 14 would enjoy.
Toys have to be new and at a size that will fit into a shoe box.
Liquids are not allowed to be shipped in the boxes.
Shoebox Gifts are shipped to disadvantaged children all over the world.
Each Shoebox Gift costs $9 to ship so donations are also being accepted.
Local businesses have also agreed to help troops with this endeavor.
Both Texas Steakhouse and Chick-Fil-A have agreed to be drop-off locations for toys and donations. Barrels for the toys will be in place to drop off donated items as well as to leave monetary donations.
This project will last through the month of October as the boxes will be packed in early November so they have time to be shipped and arrive in the hands of the children for Christmas. Anyone with questions can contact the troop at 1-252-536-9280.
Recruitment meeting
Monday night Trail Life USA and the American Heritage Girls will hold a recruitment night for youth who might be interested in joining or learning more.
The meeting will be held from 7 p.m. until 8:30 pm at 715 Jackson Street in Roanoke Rapids beside the Jo Story Senior Center.
Weekly meetings will be held after this and those unable to attend this coming Monday night can come any other Monday.
All boys and girls ages 5 to 18 are welcome to attend.
For more information call 252-536-9280 or refer to recruitment poster attached as a PDF at the end of this story.