October 29, 2017
J. Reuben Daniel City Hall & Police Station: 1040 Roanoke Avenue
(252) 533-2800
CALENDAR OF MEETINGS (All City meetings are open to the public):
Library Advisory Committee
Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the Library Conference Room.
City Council (Cancelled)
Notice is hereby given that the Roanoke Rapids City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2017 has been CANCELLED due to the lack of agenda items.
The City of Roanoke Rapids is now accepting applications for the following positions:
Property Maintenance Worker (Parks & Recreation)
An employee in this position assists with the maintenance of parks and recreation property. A high school diploma or GED is required and a valid NC Driver’s license.
Equipment Mechanic (Public Works)
An employee in this class serves as a skilled mechanic in the garage. The employee performs responsible and specialized skilled mechanical work on a variety of automotive, construction and specialized equipment which will include, but not limited to, mechanical work repairing gasoline and diesel motors and engines, and performing preventative maintenance, particularly on heavy equipment. The work requires operation of various test equipment and hand tools in order to support the work in both inside and outside environments.
Qualifications include graduation from high school supplemented by course work in repair and maintenance of heavy equipment and engines and considerable experience in the automotive and heavy equipment repair. Must hold a valid NC Commercial Driver’s License.
(Part Time) Aqua Zumba Instructor
An employee in this class plans, coordinates and provides instruction for Aqua Zumba fitness program activities. Qualifications: - Zumba and/or Aqua Zumba Certifications (Preferred, but not required) – High School Diploma or GED – Must have excellent people service skills – Ability to provide service with integrity – Must have good verbal and written communication skills. (Position is Open Until Filled)
(Part Time) Building Supervisor (Parks & Rec)
An employee in this position supervises scheduled activities and is the City’s point of contact during these activities. Hours are mainly evenings and weekends according to activities that are scheduled.
The City of Roanoke Rapids is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital or veteran status,
or any other legally protected status.
Applications may be obtained at www.roanokerapidsnc.com or may be picked up at City Hall – 1040 Roanoke Avenue, Roanoke Rapids, NC
Kathy A. Kearney – HR Manager – City of Roanoke Rapids
Phone: (252) 533-2845 – Fax (252) 537-2097
HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES at TJ Davis Recreation Center on October 31st:
Trunk or Treat at Doyle Field (5:30 – 8:30 p.m.) FREE Kids 12 & under.
Halloween Carnival (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.) FREE Kids 12 & under.
Haunted House (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.) Admission is $2. Suggested for ages 12 & over.
HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES at Chaloner Recreation Center on October 31st:
Halloween Party (6:00 – 8:00 p.m.) FREE Kids 12 & under.
COMMITTEE VACANCIES: Contact Traci Storey, City Clerk, at (252) 533-2840 for committee information.
►Historic Preservation Advisory Committee
►Planning Board/Board of Adjustment (ETJ)
►Canal Museum Advisory Committee
Mayor Emery G. Doughtie Mayor Pro Tem Carl Ferebee
Council Members: Ernest C. Bobbitt, Suetta S. Scarbrough, Carol H. Cowen, Wayne Smith
Joseph Scherer, City Manager Gilbert Chichester, City Attorney
Traci V. Storey, City Clerk Kathy Kearney, Deputy City Clerk